Strengths and Style

  • I am not only a facilitator but also a participator. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty, so I participate in activities right alongside the students.
  • My lessons address students’ interests and abilities. While I am planning, I take note of the students who may need additional enforcement or enrichment and plan ways to meet their needs.
  • I constantly reflect on my lessons and my classroom to assess all students’ learning. If learning should be fun, assessment should be fun too! I love to have students draw pictures or write stories about things that they have learned.
  • Parents are essential to creating a positive learning environment. I constantly communicate with parents about the things our class is learning and how their child is progressing. I always write a note or call a parent to let them know when their child is having an especially good day!
  • School should be a positive environment for students. My class is a community where we support everyone and cheer on our friends when they do well!